I published my first textbook, English: Skill by Skill, in 1989. Not many people noticed it. It was a collection of vaguely wacky language activities designed to teach pupils the essential skills of English. That led to a number of projects, and to working with some great collaborators - Michael Marland and Roy Blatchford being the two who made the biggest impact on me.
Since then I've usually written three or four books a year, mostly working on them in snatched moments in holidays, early most mornings, in the margins of days and weekends. A list of the various books I've been involved in is given below. Click on the heading that interests you.
To see the full list of my publications, click on the appropriate heading below:
Skills & Resources - Literature Texts
Following my interview at the Globe Theatre (June 2016) with Nobel-prize-winning novelist Kazuo Ishiguro, I was proud to be asked to edit Faber's education edition of Never Let Me Go.
Teach Now!: published by Routledge this is my book of advice for trainee and new teacher. How to establish your authority, how to manage parents' evenings, how to deal with the challenging class - here's everything you need to know to be a great teacher
The entire Teach Now! series written by a great team of authors, again from Routledge. These are the subject-specific books.
Ignite English!: our new KS3 English programme published by OUP
Don't Call it Literacy! - my bestselling book on a subject I am passionate about, published by Routledge
Don't Call it Literacy! published by Routledge
Completely rewritten edition of Comprehension to 14 published by OUP
Completely rewritten edition of Writing to 14 published by OUP
Literacy activities for tutor time: Read, Write, Speak! published by SSAT and available here
Other recent publications:
English Progress the new KS3 English resource from Pearson
a revised and updated edition of Grammar Survival: A Teacher's Toolkit published by Routledge
Re-Booting English, a toolkit for English Departments written for the SSAT's Leading Edge programme